My mantra arrived today

Hey Insiders! Welcome to the Well.

I’m in the midst of busy weeks as the semester nears a close and graduation is on the horizon. I’m feeling pressure and anxiety. My plate is full, and my procrastination is on full blast (today, before doing any work, I managed to bake a cake, hula hoop, nap… you get the picture).

What am I doing to take care of myself during this time? That’s a good question, and it’s one that I’m asking myself every day.

I know how easy it is to beat yourself up when you are procrastinating, or when you have a million things to do. It’s easy to fall into the trap of scaring the shit out of yourself, imagining every worst possible outcome. It’s also easy to be mean to yourself, to neglect your needs, to forget to also have fun.

So, my self care plan for this next couple of weeks (and in general) is:

Appreciate procrastination. I have a track record of getting shit done even when I do procrastinate. Sometimes I just work better under pressure. I’m learning to embrace my work style, which is another form of self care.

Have fun. Hula hooping, chocolate cakes, making time for friends – all necessary components of balancing the grind with the unwind.

Cuddle my fiancé. Antonio and I cuddle often, and it makes my heart feel calm. I am making time to curl up on the couch and forget about my to do list.

Laughing. Antonio and I are great at laughing together, and I am great at laughing at my own jokes, and my friends are also great at making me laugh. So, I’m making time to take a laugh break.

Meditate. Every morning I take about 15 to 20 minutes to meditate and enter the day feeling centered. It makes a huge difference.

This list is longer, but I wanted to get to the most important point on the list, which is to BE NICE to myself. Going through the motions doesn’t mean a thing if you aren’t in it with your whole heart. You can do self care activities, but if you aren’t being kind to yourself with your words and attitudes, then it doesn’t matter what you’re doing. 

Today a mantra came to me. It’s my new mantra. I didn’t really have one before, so this is perfect. I was writing a note in my phone. I had the thought “I love myself no matter what anyone thinks of me.” And before I completed writing the whole thought, I stopped at, “I love myself, no matter what.” So, there it is.

I love myself, no matter what. Simple. All encompassing. Applicable to any situation. Great! I am very happy that this mantra came to me today; it feels like it’s arrived at the perfect time. I’ve been making a more sincere effort to be kind to myself, and I’ve been holding myself accountable (in a gentle and loving way, of course).


What’s your personal mantra? I’d love to read it in the comments. Thanks for stopping by the Well!

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